Friday, May 25, 2012


I can't believe how close I am to leaving! Time has flown by and in FOUR DAYS I will be getting on a plane. OHHH my packing anxiety has gotten bad, I've been waking up every morning from a nightmare where I have left behind something of importance, I only ended up packing two outfits, or I wasn't allowed to bring my suitcases for some obscene reason. AHHHHH. thinking about packing just gets me nervous....other than a slight case of the packing terrors and worried about all the flying I could not be more excited. I said goodbye to some people at work yesterday,and tonight is my last shift :] then to cram in family time, friend time, and packing time all before I leave!!

In other news I was checking my email today, and I learned some more details about the amazing race which will be the first thing we do upon arriving!! It will be from May 30th-June 1st,  we will be going straight from the airport, splitting into our countries and starting from there!? I know our plane lands in Krakow, so I'm guessing it will be around Poland and other surrounding areas????

If you have been keeping me in your prayers I ask that you continue to pray.
Right now that I can calm my nerves about packing and the stress of flying
And above all, full hearts, healthy bodies, and safe travels

I'll keep everyone informed as much as I can and try and update when I get free time

in love,

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