Monday, June 4, 2012

Adventure Time

The last few days have been a WHIRLWIND. Go back to Wednesday when we land in Krakow Poland after about 13 hours of traveling and MAYBE 6 hours of sleep in the past 30+, we THEN have to start the amazing race. I've heard from my other friends that have been that it is incredibly tiring, I thought I knew what I was getting into, but wow, was I wrong. When I say we went all around Poland, I mean we traveled EVERYWHERE, on foot, from morning until night, competing in challenges that tested us in so many ways. Team Estonia, however spirited was not the best with maps. We had a tendency to get incredibly lost, or mislead by the locals giving us directions. For example on the first night we wandered about an hour out of town in search for a statue that turned out to be the wrong one. Team Estonia came in last place two out of the three nights, but while other teams were complaining about their members, how they didn't carry their weight, or being overly competitive, we were enjoying ourselves. We were a unit, a team working in harmony Every challenge ( well other than a few challenges we had to repeat five times) we did them with  a smile on our faces, and we enjoyed where we were and what we saw. We grew incredibly strong in three days time,  we laughed probably more than any other team and although we came in 15th place I feel like we won in the long run. We discovered valuable attributes of each team member, and were really able to see each other shine in certain situations.  There was probably no greater feeling than crossing the finish line and getting to Hotel Malenovice in Czech. A hotel set in the mountains, a truly beautiful place to bask in the glory of God., which is where I am writing this from. Since arriving in Malenovice we have been worshiping, training, and  preparing our minds, and hearts for our summer of service.So far it has been a beautiful experience, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for this summer.

I ask that you all continue to keep me in your prayers. That God continues to prepare our hearts and open our minds what He has to offer.  For health, I'm already sick, and I'm hoping that after this I will have a healthy summer. Also be praying for the hearts of the students that will be put in our paths this summer, that they come receptive and excited for the experiences they will have.

From Czech, in love


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