Friday, May 25, 2012


I can't believe how close I am to leaving! Time has flown by and in FOUR DAYS I will be getting on a plane. OHHH my packing anxiety has gotten bad, I've been waking up every morning from a nightmare where I have left behind something of importance, I only ended up packing two outfits, or I wasn't allowed to bring my suitcases for some obscene reason. AHHHHH. thinking about packing just gets me nervous....other than a slight case of the packing terrors and worried about all the flying I could not be more excited. I said goodbye to some people at work yesterday,and tonight is my last shift :] then to cram in family time, friend time, and packing time all before I leave!!

In other news I was checking my email today, and I learned some more details about the amazing race which will be the first thing we do upon arriving!! It will be from May 30th-June 1st,  we will be going straight from the airport, splitting into our countries and starting from there!? I know our plane lands in Krakow, so I'm guessing it will be around Poland and other surrounding areas????

If you have been keeping me in your prayers I ask that you continue to pray.
Right now that I can calm my nerves about packing and the stress of flying
And above all, full hearts, healthy bodies, and safe travels

I'll keep everyone informed as much as I can and try and update when I get free time

in love,

Monday, May 14, 2012


 If you know me, you know that I'm a rather emotional/ sentimental person, I'm very in touch with what I feel, and I  am frequently overwhelmed with some sort of feeling.  For the past few weeks I have felt completely  humbled and blessed with a love for the people in my life.  This trip to Estonia was a leap of faith for me, and really the only thing I have been concerned with is how the money will come together. In such a short period of time God has provided, friends, strangers, coworkers have donated. These are the people that are helping my dreams be realized, and I am so greatful for that. And then my family came along and not only were they excited for this opportuinity, but they have stood behind me, and supported me in a way that just breaks my heart with appreciation. They have surprised me with their gifts, and I feel so overwhelmed with the love I have for them and pleased as a plum for the  unique relationship I have with each one of them. I'm grateful for where we have been, I don't look negativiley on the messy part of our lives where for a period of time all I felt like I knew was dissension, anger, and brokeness, but I look at that time and now all I can say is thank you God, for although I could not control it, I got through it. For although it was not pretty, nor fun, it has taught me so much about love and grace. Holding on to the negative, or deciding to shut off will never do you any favors, but its only when you accept your circumstances that your heart and your capactity for love will grow.  I have yet to find anything more beautiful or satisfying in life that  than being truely in love and to feel the same love reciprocated. This experiece so far has been a reminder to me, that I am loved beyond measure. So thank you to my family. I will be in Estonia because of each one of you. My life will change and you are helping me change other peoples life because of your generoisty.


aw shoot, I've got a tear in my eye now.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The start of a new Journey

May 29th I will be boarding a 7:00 am plane (ew) leaving Atlanta, Georgia. Three stops, and 13 hours later I will be landing in Krakow Poland, the place where my adventure will begin. This is where I'll be starting training for my internship along with 73 other Americans. After training, and our own version of Amazing Race, we will be spreading out, all over Eastern Europe for the remainder of our Summers. The unknown can sometimes be intimidating, stepping out into an unfamiliar land, with unfamiliar people, most of which don't speak the same language, living, breathing, eating in a foreign land. And as I sit here thinking about all of this my heart is starting to beat a wee bit faster, not out of fear, but out of such great excitement. I say BRING ON THE UNFAMILIAR.

I am still having a hard time believing this is actually real life, how do I even begin to wrap my head around all that I will experience and learn over this summer. Ever since my first mission trip to Estonia in 2007 I've dreamt of being an intern, but I've always given myself an excuse, or something to hold me back; for the first time I have jumped in head first, setting my fears aside and just trusting in God's plan for me. It's beautiful how this opportunity has come together, and how incredibly lucky I am to have such a supportive  family and group of friends. So I'm making this blog for YOU, all the homies I love out there, for every person that has supported me financially, or in prayer, and for all the peeps that just want to know what I'm doing. if you know me, then you know how much I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings and although I semi hate writing because I feel like my writing skills suck, this will be one of the only ways I can share all that is going on while I'm overseas. So don't mind my lack of proper punctuation, sometimes choppy sentence fragments and RANDOM thoughts, because I'm sure there will be many to come :]

 keep me in your thoughts in prayers
and I'm excited y'all will be taking this journey with me.

your homegirl, daughter, friend, random stranger's blog you just so happened to stumble across
Megan Allen