Thursday, July 26, 2012

Saku Saku Saku Camp

Somehow time has absolutely flown by, and now not only is our second camp over, but we leave for training for our third and final camp tomorrow morning. Oh goodness, where to even start. Rewind two weeks, and our american team arriving. I was actually quite excited for this team, they were coming from NPCC, which is a church I hold very dear to my heart. My first three trips to Estonia were through their youth group, and each time I came to Estonia  I was challenged in ways that I never had been before, and really walked away having discovered something new about myself. so this time I was incredibly excited to be on the other end, to be the people responsible for the camp, and to know that many of these high school students will likely go home with their lives changed. Saku camp was much smaller than our first camp, the whole size including interns, students, local church and americans was 24, this cute little number made for a very homey and family feeling at camp. I really loved seeing how welcoming and loving everyone was, to see the life changing friendships that were formed, and one of my very favorite moments of the camp was when I was talking with one girl from the american team, and as she was praying she was saying that she came here to show other people love, and in return has never felt so loved in her entire life. And I think she hit the nail right on the head. English camp is a life changing experience, where nothing is forced, or fake, but people take genuine interest in the lives and hearts of other people, where those who are not considered "normal"  can come, and are loved on, welcomed, and invited to be a part of things they normally would never be invited to; where no one is judged due to looks, achievments, or beliefs, and a place where competitveness is put aside so everyone (even us sucky ones who just yell at the ball) are invited to play volleyball.  And through English Camps you really get a glimpse of the heart of Jesus, you can see what Christianity is supposed to be. Its the truth that the message of Jesus is one of love, to love your neighbor as yourself, and every last person deserves that. Jesus is love, we have been showed love, and therefor we love others. Right now I feel so blessed to be a part of this experience, to see the lives of Estonian students be changed, to see the kids that at the beginning of the week were shy and sitting in their rooms to at the end of the week have such huge smiles, and full hearts. AHHHH! as per usual, I`m slightly overwhelmed.

If you have been keeping my group in your prayers I ask that this week you still pray for good health and safe travels. Also for open hearts and transparent living. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your sincier posts.. thay make me feel like I was there... and I love the way you talk about camp... Your heart is here... thank you for being here!
